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March 4, 2024雅思作文真题直击 | | 栏目推送说明每场雅思考试之后,第一时间分享本场考试雅思A类大作文的范文权威解析。欢迎每周锁定。本期作者:王瑜2024年3月2日雅思大作文题目Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle free days. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?一些城市有“无车日”,私家车、卡车和摩托车禁止进入市中心。政府鼓励人们在无车日使用公共交通工具,如公交车、出租车和地铁。利大于弊吗?纽约Car Free Earth Day (无车地球日), 街道因社区艺术集市而变得生动。范文及解析IntroductionCBD car-free days, whenmotoristsare encouraged to give up their cars for eitherlow-carbonpublic transports, cycling or walking, have been initially embraced by Paris, with a few more European cities joining thispilgrimageto less dependence onautomobile mobility. This measure is a promotion of sustainable lifestyle as much as it isdecarbonization showcase.解析本段译文(translation):CBD无车日,即鼓励驾车者放弃汽车,选择低碳公共交通、骑自行车或步行的日子,最初是由巴黎发起,紧随其后另外一些欧洲城市也加入这一减少对汽车出行依赖的朝圣之旅。这一举措既是对可持续生活方式的推广,也是对脱碳的宣传。不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):❖ motorists 司机❖ low-carbon 低碳的 adj.❖ pilgrimage 朝圣之旅❖ automobile mobility 机动车出行 noun.❖ decarbonization 脱碳化 noun.❖ showcase 宣传 v./ n.Body 1Compoundedby rising use ofsubsidizedelectricity-powered vehicles, streets in downtown have beenunflagginglypacked regardless of conventional peak hour. Anobsessionon car mobility would make commute less efficient, as urban population booms,road lanesconstructionstallsand accident rate increases. Toreversethis alarming trend, governments need to presssedentarycar owners to take ahiatusof driving to walk to bus stops, subway stations or simply to sweat while cycling —little-noticedalternatives to beingstuckin congestion for grueling hours. Behind thiscampaign, however, lies deeperecological commitment. Being a participant in a public low-carbon scheme is often correlated with an enhanced green awareness, thusspurringindividuals and firms toincorporateecological concernsintotheir daily operations.解析本段译文(translation):随着越来越多的有补贴的电动汽车的使用,无论平时高峰时间,市中心的街道都一直拥挤不堪。伴随城市人口的激增、道路建设的停滞和事故率的上升,对汽车移动性的痴迷会进一步降低通勤效率。为了扭转这一令人担忧趋势,政府需要敦促那些久坐不动的车主,让他们暂时中断开车习惯,步行去公交车站、地铁站,或者只是骑自行车流汗——这些很少被注意到的替代方法,可以让他们免于在拥挤车潮中度过劳累几个小时。然而,在这场无车运动的背后,是更深层次的生态承诺。作为公共低碳计划参与者往往可增强绿色意识,从而激励个人和企业将环保意识纳入其日常运作中。不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):❖ compound 加剧/恶化v.❖ subsidized 被政府资助的❖ unflaggingly 不衰地/ 不屈不挠地 adv.❖ obsession 困让/沉迷 n.❖ road lanes 道路❖ stall 搁置/暂缓v.❖ reverse 扭转v.❖ sedentary 久坐不动的 adj.❖ hiatus 间隙/休息 n.❖ little-noticed 很少被注意的❖ be stuck in 陷入困境❖ campaign 宣传运动n.❖ ecological commitment 生态承诺❖ spur 刺激/促进v.❖ incorporate into 融入Body 2Although local councils havegone great lengths to underlinemultipletakeawaysof this car-free campaign, some find this restrictionirksome. Misinterpreting the initiatives as anti-car, commuters with entrenchedcar-centric mindsetmay feelhinderedby usingpublic transit, walking or cycling. But thismythcould be readilydebunkedby astoundingly efficient streets removed of cars and congestions, allowing underrated alternatives to shine asviablecommuting options. Another myth relates to lowered business sales; customers could discouraged to visit shops without car mobility. Butthe opposite is the case; repetitive numerical studies have found thatfoot trafficin commercial area tends to stimulate local economy by drawing in more walk-in customers.解析本段译文(translation):尽管地方议会竭尽全力强调这项无车运动的多重意义,但一些人还是觉得这项限制令人厌烦。根深蒂固的以汽车为中心的通勤者可能会误以为这些举措本质在于反汽车,他们会觉得乘坐公共交通、步行或骑自行车是一种阻碍。但这个误区神话很容易被揭穿,得益于没有了汽车和拥堵,街道的通行效率会变得惊人,让被低估的替代方案成为可行的通勤选择。另一个误区与企业销售额下降有关;如果没有汽车,可能会阻碍顾客去商店。但事实恰恰相反;多项数据研究发现,商业区的人流量往往会吸引更多的走进来的顾客,从而刺激当地经济。不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):❖ go great lengths to 大费周折地做某事❖ underline 强调v.❖ takeaways 要点n.❖ irksome 令人厌烦的❖ car-centric mindset 以车为本的思维方式❖ hinder 阻碍v.❖ public transit 公共交通❖ myth is debunked 神话被揭穿❖ shine 闪耀其优点v.❖ viable 可行的adj.❖ the opposite is the case 反面才真❖ foot traffic 步行的出行方式ConclusionTo summarize, open-streets initiatives are not simplyintended as metaphors. Rather, it is a golden public education tothwartfalse car-centered belief of city commuting.解析本段译文(translation):总而言之,开放街道的倡议并不仅仅是一种象征。相反,它是一种黄金公共教育,可以有效挫败以汽车为本位的城市通勤错误观念。不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):❖ be intended as 本质上是❖ metaphor 隐喻/象征 n.❖ thwart 挫败/击败v.


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